Mental Health

Healthy Habits To Boost Your Self-Esteem

Disclaimer: This post was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp.

Self-esteem plays an essential role in overall mental health because the way you view yourself affects how you interact with other people and engage with the world. If you have a poor perception of yourself, you may be less likely to take risks or put yourself in any situation where there’s a chance of failure or rejection. Alternatively, if you have high self-esteem you may be more likely to pursue healthy relationships, experience success at school and work, and maintain positive .

It may seem like some people are born confident and self-assured, but the truth is that it’s something that must be developed and preserved. Here, we’ll discuss different habits you may consider setting for yourself to boost your self-esteem and how engaging in these habits throughout your lifetime can help you continue to view yourself positively.

Boost Your Self-Esteem With These Healthy Habits

Whether you’re aware of it or not, habits naturally become part of your life. You might have some unhealthy habits, like not getting enough sleep, as well as healthy habits, like getting outside often. If you aren’t careful, unhealthy patterns can quickly develop and start to take over. Thus, being mindful of your routines and habits is key. Below are five healthy habits you can add to your daily life to contribute to higher self-esteem and confidence:

  • Exercise: Physical activity can give you a sense of accomplishment, improve your mental health, and allow you to start feeling better about your appearance. Exercise can be anything that you make of it, whether you choose to do yoga, play a sport, or do sprints in your backyard. The important thing is to move your body and engage your mind regularly.

  • Find a positive social circle: Surrounding yourself with friends who are encouraging and positive can be crucial, as we become much like the people we’re around most. Look for pals who are uplifting with their words and avoid those who remind you of your insecurities or make you feel negatively about yourself.

  • Set goals: Setting goals can be one of the most effective ways to increase your self-esteem, as it can show you what you’re capable of. Try to start with small goals and then challenge yourself more and more over time. You might decide to try a new hobby, go for a jog at least twice a week, travel somewhere out of your comfort zone, give up caffeine, or avoid saying anything negative about yourself for a week. The sense of accomplishment you’ll feel completing each goal can boost how you feel about yourself and your capabilities.

  • Talk positively about yourself: It can be easy to tear yourself down, as we’re often our own worst critics. However, try to do the opposite and seek to build yourself up. If a negative thought comes into your head, remind yourself of something you do love about yourself, such as your ability to make friends or your beautiful singing voice. You can even write down positive affirmations on sticky notes and hang them on your mirror. That way, you can see them each morning and start your day off on a positive note.

  • Visit a therapist: Seeing a therapist can be useful, as they can teach you how to reframe your thoughts to think more positively about yourself. They may also ask you to journal before each session to gauge how you’re feeling that week and find what to talk about next. There’s no need to learn , as it’s much like the type of journaling you might do on your own as a hobby or a form of self-care. However, if your therapist has specific requirements for your journal prompts, they will let you know.

Improving your self-esteem can take time and doesn’t happen overnight. In fact, most habits take around to form, and even longer to last. Everyone’s timeline can look different, as people can struggle with their self-esteem to varying degrees. It’s critical to stay consistent even when you experience setbacks, as you’re teaching yourself a whole new way of thinking and behaving. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself, reminding yourself that even though what you’re doing is difficult, it’s setting you up for long-term happiness and success. Your path may seem long and challenging, but hopefully, it’s one you’ll find to be worth it in the end.

The post first appeared on .

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