Self Improvement

Is it Really A Sign from Above? Here is one way to find out.

A penny on the ground, a random feather, numbers on a license plate, a humming bird outside your window, or a song on the radio these can be some signs your guardians and arch angels are trying to get your attention. Yet how do you know if it is really for you, the Sway Test is one way to find out.

The Sway Test

is one of the quickest ways for obtaining an internal yes, no or neutral response. Using the positioning of your body in a neutral stance (feet hip width apart, parallel) you can test your internal bodily (subconscious) response by noticing what direction you lean toward after asking a specific question. For example, you may ask (preferably out loud), Is this feather a sign from my guardians or arch angels?

Then notice if you body leans forward (toward your toes). If so this would be a yes answer. If your body leans toward your heels it is a no and if it doesn’t budge at all your body is neutral (neither yes nor no).

Keep Practicing

Keep in mind, just like learning any other skill the sway test takes practice. The key is not to get in your head about the answer. It can help to take a few deep breaths—inhale and exhale—before asking the question. Be sure to relax your shoulders and loosen your jaw and face. The tenser you are the more difficult it will be to interpret the direction your body is leaning.

When it comes to receiving messages from above you really can’t get it “wrong.” Trust that your guardians are very intelligent and if the message is meant to be seen, heard or validated it will circle back either in a similar or completely different way. In other words, your guardians will not give up on you.

The more you process your emotions, the easier it becomes to discern signs from above. A consistent practice can lead to overall healthier emotions and becoming more in tune with your intuition.

Pay Attention

In the mean time, and pay attention to those little signs that come your way, pause and use the sway test as a means for listening to your inner guidance so you can fully appreciate, receive (and trust) the signs of love and support which will be sent your way.


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